FSGW Getaway Bulletin Board
click here for the Schedule
(All times are Eastern Daylight Time)
Here, you can post whatever Getaway related information you want other attendees to see by emailing your request to Tony Becker at americeltic@gmail.com. To attend the Zoom event, you must be registered here: https://www.fsgw.org/event-4172738/Registration
New sessions:
• Sunday, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Eastern, in the Retreat Center Breakout Room, Irish Tunes session lead by Yvette O’Tannenbaum. and Tony Becker – Instrumental Tune ‘play-around’ in the Irish tradition with an occasional song.
• Sunday, 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM Eastern, Maree Robertson will lead a Gentle Songs session in the Shalom Center Breakout Room, from (or whenever the Zoom gets restarted), until the concert starts at 7.30 PM, all welcome, to sing &/or listen.
Links, Handouts etc.:
Resources – Click Here for the official list of web pages, contact information, and product purchase information.
Save the Cobblestone Pub – Petition to Dublin City Council Planning Commission https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/save-the-cobblestone?source=rawlink&utm_medium=myuplift&utm_source=launched&share=0608b585-f3c1-4b7e-a090-b0ed6ef95c33
The Amazing Variety of Irish Song Traditions – David Ingerson’s Handout: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11GSt1bKLpKyrIfIQ1noAhA3E9SVi1Kg6/view
Linn Phipps Gaelic/ Gaelige song session ‘Srùbag’, happens once a month – any Celtic language song welcome – 1st Friday 1930 UK/Ireland time – all welcome to sing and to listen. Zoom Meeting ID: 885 8258 4636, PASSWORD (if required) is srubag. Linn also has Gaelic Workshops at 1:00 PM Eastern on the third Saturday of the month. Email Linn if you’d like the link linnphipps@gmail.com
The San Francisco Folk Music Club’s online Camp Harmony. Happening over New Years weekend, Camp Harmony is 4 days of jamming, concerts, late night singing, dance, stories, etc. and open to our broader folk-music loving community in its online form. Registration is via this form: https://forms.gle/
Web-based apps for singing together
Although there’s no registration involved, there is a brief setup process, and if you want to sing, you’ll need the following:
A computer (not a phone or tablet)
Chrome or Firefox
Headphones, preferably wired ones.
Bucket Brigade https://echo.jefftk.com
VDO.ninja https://VDO.ninja
Participant Instructions
When you join our Zoom meeting, you will enter into a main ‘Welcome’ room, but all sessions (except the evening concerts and singarounds) take place in breakout rooms. If you can’t get to a breakout room or don’t know how, ask the tech host in the Welcome room for help. We may also have unscheduled sessions crop up–there should be a URL for a bulletin board posted in a window in the main room where you can let folks know about impromptu sessions you’d like to host or join.
Navigating the breakout-room names is difficult in part because the default settings display ALL the participants in EVERY room. To fix this, just click the breakout-room names in the list to collapse the participant names out of it, leaving only a short list of the breakout room names. On most clients you have to do it again and again every time you bring up the list. (Hosts and co-Hosts may want to advise inbound people about this). – Hobbit
Tip to more easily follow along watching the numbers.
Click on PARTICPANTS, to see the list then in the search box:
Enter 0 to see the 01-09 people
Enter 1 to see the 10-19, (and a few extra)
Enter 2 to see the 20-29, (and a few extra) and so on.
Please use your real name in all Getaway sessions–no phone numbers or handles. People want to know who you are. If you don’t know how to change your name, ask for help and one of the tech hosts will do it for you.
You will have a much better time if you upgrade to the most recent version of Zoom—as of the start of the Getaway, it is version 5.8.0, released on September 23. On a computer, you can check for updates in the zoom.us pulldown menu, or go to zoom.us/download to download and install Version 5.8.0 of Zoom Client for Meetings. For a smartphone or tablet, update the Zoom app from your App Store or equivalent source.
The entirety of the event is free but we are accepting donations. Can we suggest $5 a day if you are enjoying yourself?
Donations will support:
Costs of bringing the event to you, like the Zoom licenses.
FSGW’s offerings of a wide range of folk events and programs throughout the year.
The FSGW Getaway Lieberman/Olive Scholarship Fund which is used to assist people with the cost of attending future Getaways.
You can donate at this link: https://fsgw.org/donate
Guidelines for Getaway Zoom Singing Sessions (NB: some of yesterday’s comments were from last year and are outdated):
Most Getaway events will work like traditional singing circles except we will gather together via Zoom. Presentations, the Vocal Clinic, the Slide Guitar Basics, and the Sign-up Concerts on Saturday and Sunday nights will work differently from singing sessions. Your session leader(s) will give you instructions. When you join a session, press the “Raise Hand” button if you wish to sing. On a Mac. Linux or a Windows PC, the “Raise Hand” button can be found at the bottom of the screen in the Reactions button. On a smartphone, find it by tapping the 3 dots next to the other meeting controls in the Zoom window. Alternatively, you may use a keyboard shortcut:
Windows, Alt+Y will raise or lower your hand
Mac, Option+Y will raise or lower your hand
Dial-in telephone, press *9 to raise your hand (You cannot lower your hand from a telelphone.)
If you can’t figure that out, type “Singer” in the Chat if you wish to sing. If you don’t plan to sing, you can help us out by typing “NS” in the Chat. If you change your mind at any point, just let us know in the Chat. If you can’t raise your hand or use the Chat, give a verbal shout-out, but not when someone else is singing or talking.
Tech co-hosts will add a number in front of your name (D01, D02 … D23, D24, etc.). That number, which is based on the order hands were raised in Zoom or requests put into the chat will be the order for singing in most sessions. Non-singers may be numbered D99. [The actual prefix letter will depend on which session you are in.] At the host’s discretion the singing order may be changed to accommodate needs of particular singers. We would love to get around the circle at least twice, but cannot always do that. Sessions must end promptly 30 minutes before the next session, in order to prepare for what follows.
The session leaders get the session started. Once they do, everyone else will be muted, and they will each sing the first song. After that, the leaders will call on each person in turn to lead a song. If you let us, we may unmute you between songs to allow the singer to hear applause or to encourage comments. We want everyone to get a chance to sing, so please keep comments during this interlude very brief. You may type questions or longer comments into the Chat. If you have other events to announce, please use the Chat.
Please have your song ready, your instrument, if any, tuned, and be prepared to sing when it is your turn. If you need time, just ask the session leader to call on the next person and get back to you.
You may join or leave a session at any time. Two or more sessions will often be running concurrently. Feel free to leave one to check out another or to bounce back and forth, but you risk losing your assigned number, so keep track of it in case the tech needs to re-establish it. At the conclusion, you can use the Breakout Rooms window to move directly to another breakout room if you wish. If you can’t get to this breakout-room menu on your device, you can ask the tech co-host for help (ideally by way of a “direct message” in the Chat).
If you want to chat or visit with old or new friends, we have lots of extra breakout rooms available for your private (or semi-private) tete-a-tete. If you want to go inactive for a while, please park yourself in the “Parking Lot” breakout room rather than cluttering up the main welcome room.
Most important, have fun!